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About GradSift

GradSift is an Australian based technology group focused on innovative solutions for early careers and high volume recruitment around the world.

For employers managing high volume early careers recruitment programs, we offer GradSift the most comprehensive student shortlisting platform. 

For students and employers wanting a more efficient and effective way to connect, they do that via GradSift Talent our leading AI powered early careers recruitment platform.


The story behind GradSift?

Its founder, Peter Pychtin had a recruitment agency that specialised in graduates and early-career professionals.

“We provided outsourced graduate recruitment for leading employers in Australia, NZ and the US. That included manually reviewing every single resume – hundreds or even thousands." But Peter always thought “one day someone will come up with an algorithm to do that work automatically and we’ll be out of business.”

It took a couple of years exploring the concept but Peter was eventually able to draw on his corporate consulting and graduate recruitment experience to do just that. Design an algorithmic model that accurately and without bias virtually replicates detailed resume reviews. That was the start of GradSift.

His other prediction was also correct. He closed his recruitment agency, to focus solely on Gradsift.

Today, our mission is to help employers and applicants connect efficiently, effectively and fairly. GradSift enables employers to assess candidates on multiple attributes, achieve greater diversity and easily manage and interpret large datasets for better decision-making. We have a pipeline of innovations under development to transform graduate recruitment around the world.  


The GradSift team is led by Peter Pychtin. See Peter's LinkedIn profile The team includes world-class talent in software engineering and data science.




Data Security

GradSift places the highest importance on data security.  

GradSift is registered with the CSA, Security, Trust & Assurance Registry. CSA  (Cloud Security Alliance), is the world’s leading organization dedicated to defining and raising awareness of best practices to help ensure a secure cloud computing environment.

Anyone can access the global registry to view GradSift's security capabilities.