GradSift: AI-Assisted Applicant Shortlisting and Candidate Sourcing
Where employers find their best candidates and students are discovered
Source students and graduates from our GradSift Talent network using AI.
Student & early careers recruitment doesn't need to be complex.
| Early career job seekers
GradSift Talent flips student recruitment on its head.
A single registration and GradSift does the rest
Save time to easily find the candidates you really want A multi-criteria assessment in a single step. Performance, behaviours, job fit and much more with video and analytics included For graduates, interns, trainees, entry-level and early career professionals Simple to use for recruiters. Access for hiring managers. Outsource option For a single position right through to high volume campaigns
So simple to use
Invite applicants to complete a GradSift profile Log in for an instant visual representation of their education, work experience and interests Using your selection criteria and GradSift's trusted algorithm Apply filters, watch video and much more to decide who you're interested in Shortlisting made easy! |
Use our powerful AI to easily find the right candidates from the Gradsift Talent network. Decide who you're interested in. Then reach out directly. Start with our 30 days free access offer! Register to access the GradSift Talent Network
Trusted by employers
Proven technology with a 100% success rate in matching the way candidates are assessed by employers
Streamlines recruitment and saves an enormous amount of time
Screen blind, remove bias and achieve greater hiring diversity
"GradSift has definitely increased efficiency and productivity in our entry level talent recruitment"
"We screened candidates based on the personal attributes and experiences we value rather than a single cognitive ability test"